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My Name is Mike Pence


The source image for this caricature is an image in the public domain by Barry Bahler from the FEMA Photo Library via Wikimedia.

My name is Mike Pence

I am the Vice-Presidence

of America’s golden history I have much sense

this is where I want to return us to

this is my defence


I am not a fellow traveler

I am a complicit co-unraveler

I speak the whities’ vernacular

I want to resuscitate their past

And secure them a future spectacular


(But, Mike, even if you can win a battle

You cannot defy the tide  

Your situation is brittle

Time is not on your side)  


My name is Mike Pence

don’t you dare call me dense

I am just the vicer

does that not make me nicer?




Looking Forward

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